Utility Methods#

A collection of convenient helper-functions.

class tau.util.TauJSONEncoder(serialize_implementation=False, **kwargs)#



An implementation of JSONEncoder.default().


Return a JSON string representation of a Python data structure.

iterencode(o[, _one_shot])

Encode the given object and yield each string representation as available.


An implementation of JSONEncoder.default().

This implementation handles the serialization of Position and DialecticalStructure instances.


Converts list representation of an argument to a cnf-position-like list of negated premises + non-negated conclusion


arg (List[int]) –

tau.util.args2cnf(arguments, n_sentence_pool)#

Converting argument list to pysat.formula.CNF

This method converts a list of arguments into a conjunctive normal form. Sentences \(p\) that are not used in arguments will be added in a tautological manner (i.e., \(p\vee\neg p\)) to the CNF formula.

Return type


  • arguments (List[List[int]]) –

  • n_sentence_pool (int) –

tau.util.create_random_argument_list(n_arguments_min, n_arguments_max, n_sentences, n_premises_max)#

A random list of arguments.

A convenience function that uses create_random_arguments2() to create a random list of arguments. Instead of specifying a fixed number of desired arguments the number of arguments will be a random number between n_arguments_min and ` n_arguments_max`.

Return type


  • n_arguments_min (int) –

  • n_arguments_max (int) –

  • n_sentences (int) –

  • n_premises_max (int) –

tau.util.create_random_arguments(n_sentences, n_arguments, n_max_premises, n_principles=0, variation=True, connected=True, use_all_sentences=False, max_loops=1000)#

Returns a list of arguments represented as integer lists.

The dialectical structure given by the returned arguments is satisfiable (i.e. there is at least one complete and dialectically consistent position). Furthermore, the arguments avoid begging the question, repeating premises, flat contradictions among premises and with the conclusion, and using the same premises for different conclusions.

  • n_sentences (int) – Number of non-negated sentences of the sentence pool. Every sentence (or its negation) occurs at least once in an argument.

  • n_arguments (int) – Number of generated arguments.

  • n_max_premises (int) – Maximal number of premises per argument.

  • n_principles (int) – The number of principles, i.e. sentences that may occur in arguments as premises only.

  • variation (bool) – If true (default), the number of premises per argument is chosen randomly. Otherwise it is constantly n_max_premises.

  • connected (bool) – If true (default), the arguments are related (either by attack or support) to at least one other argument in the structure.

  • use_all_sentences (bool) – If true, the algorithm returns only dialectical structures that include each sentence ,or its negation respectively, in the arguments. If the algorithm is not able to generate such a structure in the limits given by max_loops, a RuntimeWarning is thrown.

  • max_loops (int) – Breaks possibly endless loops. Number of arguments that tested whether they fit into the dialectical structure. If the algorithm takes longer a RuntimeWarning is thrown.


A list of argument as integer lists.

Return type


Return type



” Returns a list of tuples of the form (principle, multiplicity) with multiplicity indicating the multiplicity of the principle. A sentence counts as a principle iff it occurs in at least one argument as premise and it or its negation does not occur as a conclusion in an argument. The multiplicity counts in how many argument the sentence occurs as premise.


Inferential density of a dialectical structure.

As defined by Betz (2013), p. 44: todo

tau.util.is_satisfiable(args, principles=None)#

Fast method of checking for satisfiability (using xxx).

  • args (List[List[int]]) –

  • principles (Optional[List[int]]) –

tau.util.load_dialectical_structure(DIR, fileName)#

ToDo: doc

tau.util.number_of_complete_consistent_positions(args, n_unnegated_sentence_pool)#

Fast method to calculate the number of complete consistent positions.

Return type


  • args (List[List[int]]) –

  • n_unnegated_sentence_pool (int) –

tau.util.random_dialectical_structures(n_dialectical_structure, n_arguments_min, n_arguments_max, n_sentences, n_premises_max, module_name='rethon.model', class_name='DAGDialecticalStructure')#

A random list of dialectical structures.

A convenience function that uses create_random_argument_list() to create an instance of basics.DialecticalStructure.


A random dialectical structure. The implementing class can be specified via the method’s arguments.

Return type


Return type


tau.util.random_position_as_set(n_sentences, allow_empty_position=False)#

Generates a random minimally consistent position in its set-representation.

  • n_sentences (int) – Size of the sentence-pool (without negations).

  • allow_empty_position (bool) – Iff True an empty position might be returned.


A set of integer representing the position.

tau.util.random_positions(n_positions, n_sentences, position_module_name='rethon.model', position_class_name='StandardPosition')#

List of random positions.

Convenience method that uses random_position_as_set() to generate a list of positions. The implementing class can be specified via arguments.

Return type


tau.util.save_dialectical_structure(DIR, fileName, dialectical_structure)#

ToDo: doc

tau.util.tau_decoder(json_obj, use_json_specified_type=False, position_module='tau', position_class='BitarrayPosition', dialectical_structure_module='tau', dialectical_structure_class='BitarrayDialecticalStructure')#

Object hook for json.loads() and json.load().


use_json_specified_type – If True the method uses the implementation details (modulename and classname) that are specified in the json string, if there are any. Otherwise, the method uses implementation details as specified the other given parameters.

tau.util.tau_dump(re_object, fp, cls=<class 'tau.util.TauJSONEncoder'>, serialize_implementation=False, **kwargs)#

Saving an object as JSON-String in a file.

This is a convenient method that calls json.dump() with TauJSONEncoder as its default encoder, which will handle the JSON serialization of Position and DialecticalStructure instances.

**kwargs will be given to json.dumps()


serialize_implementation – If True implementation details (modulename and classname) will be serialized.


The object as a JSON string.

tau.util.tau_dumps(re_object, cls=<class 'tau.util.TauJSONEncoder'>, serialize_implementation=False, **kwargs)#

Getting an object as JSON-String.

This is a convenient method that calls json.dumps() with TauJSONEncoder as its default encoder, which will handle the JSON serialization of Position and DialecticalStructure.

**kwargs will be given to json.dumps()


serialize_implementation – If True implementation details (modulename and classname) will be serialized.


The object as a JSON string.

tau.util.tau_load(fp, use_json_specified_type=False, position_module='tau', position_class='BitarrayPosition', dialectical_structure_module='tau', dialectical_structure_class='BitarrayDialecticalStructure')#

Loading an object from a JSON file.

This is a convenient method that calls json.load() and uses tau_decoder() as object hook to handle the instantiation of Position and DialecticalStructure objects. Desired implementation details can be given by parameter values (see tau_decoder()).

tau.util.tau_loads(json_obj, use_json_specified_type=False, position_module='tau', position_class='BitarrayPosition', dialectical_structure_module='tau', dialectical_structure_class='BitarrayDialecticalStructure')#

Loading an object from a JSON string.

This is a convenient method that calls json.loads() and uses tau_decoder() as object hook to handle the instantiation of Position and DialecticalStructure objects. Desired implementation details can be given by parameter values (see tau_decoder()).

tau.util.write_as_dot(directory, fileName, arg_list, equal_rank_for_principles=False)#

ToDo: doc

tau.util.write_as_tex(directory, fileName, arg_list)#

ToDo: doca